Thursday WOD 7-11-19
November 6th, 2019
Thursday WOD 7-11-19
3 rounds for time of:
Run, 400 m
21 Sumo Deadlift High-pulls, 35kg (25kg)
12 Burpees Over Bar
[B] AMRAP 7 mins:
3 Bar Muscle Ups
3 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
3 Pull-ups
9 Dumbbell Push Jerks, 22kg (15kg)
[Rowing Conditioning]
3 x 6 min with Level Change
Pre-set the monitor for a work time of 6:00 and a rest time of 3:00. Let your stroke rate vary as follows per interval: First and second interval: 2 minutes @20, 1 minute @24, 2 minutes @22, 1 minute @26 Third interval: 1 minute @20, 2 minutes @24, 1 minute @22, 2 minute @26. During the rest time continue rowing at light pressure.
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