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HomeFront Crossfit

Wednesday WOD 10-7-19

July 9th, 2019

Wednesday WOD 10-7-19

[A] Open 14.4 retest
AMRAP in 14 minutes
60 calorie Row
50 Toes-to-Bars
40 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb, 10/9 ft)
30 Cleans 61kg (43kg)
20 Muscle-Ups

55+ Masters Men use 9ft WB target & 52kg barbell
55+ Masters Women use 4kg ball & 29kg barbell

[B] Bench Press

[C] Weighted Pullup


5 x 3 min / 2 min easy

Row five 3 minute pieces. Row for two minutes at light pressure between each piece.

Thank You: https://www.crossfitbrisbane.com/blog/blog_index.html


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    Orange NSW 2800

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