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HomeFront Crossfit

Monday WOD 1-4-19

March 31st, 2019

Monday WOD 1-4-19

[A] 3 Rounds for time of:
100m Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry 2 x 22kg DB’s (15kg)
30m Dumbbell Front Rack Lunge 2 x 22kg DB’s (15kg)
15 Dumbbell Push Press 2 x 22kg DB’s (15kg)

Workout courtesy of CrossFit Linchpin

[B] EMOM 12
Hang Power Snatch

[C] 3 rounds, each for time:
30 Hip Extensions
25 GHD Situps (Scaled: Ab-mat Sit-ups)
20 Cals Air Bike

Rest 2 mins between rounds


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    Orange NSW 2800

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