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HomeFront Crossfit

Monday WOD 9-3-15

March 8th, 2015


WOD – Monday, 2/3/2015

[A] Overhead Squat

[B] Push Press

Death By Strict Handstand Push-up

With a continuously running clock perform:
2 Strict Handstand Push-ups in the first 1 min,
4 Strict Handstand Push-ups in the second 1 min
6 Strict Handstand Push-ups in the third 1 min

Continuing this for as long as you are able

“Tabata” – Muscle-ups : 6 x 30 secs / 30 secs

This Tabata interval is 30 secs of work followed by 30 secs of rest for 6 intervals. Tabata score is the total reps performed in all of the intervals.

Jog 400m

Dynamic WU
Snatch WU
Log results online (Beyond the Whiteboard)


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    Orange NSW 2800

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