Wednesday WOD 4-10-17
October 3rd, 2017
Wednesday WOD 4-10-17
3. Conditioning
On the 3:00 x 4 Rounds
20/15 Calorie Row
15 Barbell Facing Burpees
Max Push Presses (135/95) in time remaining
No rest between rounds
+ Optional Extra’s in Open Gym.
1. Barbell Cycling
For Time:
10 Power Snatches (135/95)
8 Power Snatches (155/105)
6 Power Snatches (175/125)
4 Power Snatches (195/140)
2 Power Snatches (215/150)
2. Push Press
Heavy 5
Heavy 4
Heavy 3
Heavy 2
Heavy 1
4. Gymnastics
5 x 10 Unbroken Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Rest as needed between sets
Thank You: